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Saturday, August 10, 2013

Saturday Morning Throwy: Mega Man

Its been a while since we posted one of these so we are all well over due.
So for most of the people that had a childhood around the time that we on the show were alive, you were aware of this blaster cannon wielding guy by the name of Mega Man. For the longest he was an 8-bit character that could charge up and blast through some the most difficult two dimensional worlds known to man.  After his long industrious career as a super hero and turning down multiple movie offers, his agent and friends suggested that he touchdown in the TV galaxy.

Seemingly a spawn of Robocop, Mega Man had trouble differentiating himself so he started murdering every villain within his vicinity. Oh you got a different kind of blaster? Fuck you, pay me. Oh I'm killing off your whole race? Fuck you, pay me. Oh you never thought in investing an EMP type weapon? Fuck you, pay me. He lit a match and burned out universes game by game and exemplified all his ventures on the show. There wasn't all the details that were further extended by the X suit. Zero still made him look like herb from time to time while battling Robotnik. No, I know it wasn't the egg shaped nigga from Sonic, but somebody please tell me the difference between the two? Oh yea, that Wiley never wanted to to endanger the animals.

Fucking tree huggers.

Anyways, Mega and his crew made through the time and still shows up at conventions and signs autographs. Just be careful, he always got the heater on em.

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