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Friday, August 23, 2013

The new face of the Dark Knight

Roughly a year after the conclusion to Christopher Nolan's trilogy of the Batman saga wrapped up and only months after the Man of Steel release does the celebrity world drop a bomb on Bat-fans everywhere. The former daredevil and Kevin Smith movie veteran, Ben Affleck,  gets his chance at trying on the suit and cape as Bats. This should get interesting, and by interesting I mean bat shit crazy.
Lets discuss why this is and isn't a great idea.

Ok, so going down the list of actors that have played Bruce Wayne and his alter ego as the caped crusader still has people debating who has done it the best. The popular answer, at least as far as my discussions have gone, is that Michael Keaton was the dopest dude to ever throw on the suit. However, this new trilogy of recent years past has catapulted Christian Bale as the undisputed king of gadgetry and led newer fans to believe that no one can do it better. Granted Bale is an excellent actor as displayed in countless other critically acclaimed films, Terminator aside, his biggest fallback in this role was his terrible voice overs. That's not too too bad all things considering, but this raises questions as to how Ben Affleck is going to compare against George Clooney and Val Kilmer. 

I think its difficult to have to fill in the shoes for an actor that has already been burned into peoples' minds as a set person. Kilmer stepping into the role after Keaton had left him open to tons of scrutiny, not to mention that the direction and vision of the films had a huge impact as well. There were a lot of comparisons to the first two Tim Burton films versus a more colorful and pasty hollywood version that Joel Schumacher presented. It was a transition but it felt things only went further astray in the fourth installment of the the pre-Nolan series with Clooney. Cornier lines, shinier suits and the Alicia Silverstone getting thrown in the mix just for promotional purposes to lead in the girls. The villains had even become less intimidating and more scoff worthy as that series wrapped with Arnold pitching his usual teeth sucking comments like, "everybody chill" as Freeze man himself.

Now after three action packed dark imprints of what the Batman of the new age is supposed to act, look and sound like,  DC comics and Warner Bros. go with the unsuspectingly terrible Daredevil and hope that he can hold his weight in the new Superman sequel. Initial statements are saying that they will battling in the movie, yet we can only have our hopes up but so high. I don't think Affleck is worst possible fit for this role, but then again he isn't the best either. There had been said talk that Bale was offered his reprisal as Bats but perhaps that is only for the long awaited Justice League. 

All these switcher-roos and casting possibilities keep the eager fans rubbing chins and scratching temples. Questions as to what may happen to the Joseph Gordon-Levitt possible spin-off and development. I mean, I was hoping to see where this could go as far as Batman having his own universe spawn off... because being the highest grossing superhero franchise I would imagine has those kinds of benefits. But I digress.

Ben Affleck has the status, stature and overall personality to make an awesome Bruce Wayne. He also has all the powers that be to make him a great Batman, so what the problem? Who said there is one? People like routine and are very skeptic of change, so with this being a cornerstone of Americana and the Bat having a slight makeover it raises eyebrows and questions as to how can he be the next? Will he also be in the movies following this? So on and so forth, but what people fail to remember that it wasn't till 2005 that this new image of Batman was pushed upon us. 

We loved the reintroduction and character development through the eyes of a more human and frail persona. Batman was given more of a dark connotation and convinced folks that there were more levels to his personality disorder and obsession with justice. Now that it isn't just some rich guy mad at the world because his parents died the movies could open up to even more aspects of the man behind the mask, which only allowed for more extremities when he had the suit on. Not to mention that the visual effects and tools had gotten a lot better since the 80's-90's, but also that there was more technical ideals applied to everything that was going which made all these incredible stunts more tangible. 

Since all this information for the people that have been following the series have been engrained, possibly changing who wears the suit could be beneficial to yet another reintroduction. We can't really tell until we see a final product, but whoever fills the boots already has a firm foundation to stand on. So fingers crossed on the new Batman, but only time will tell us if this was a grave mistake or if this was a good decision.


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