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Monday, October 7, 2013

Reel Reviews: Gravity

So I decided to go see this flick out of pure curiosity and for the love of the Sci-fi genre in general. The immediate approach was rather surprising with all the modern opening credit scenes for films of this standard usually being over the top. A simple all white Warner Bros. shield is presented at the very beginning over a solid black background which set the tone. which was followed by a quick title slide and sound that let you know you're in space.

I was very hopeful because I am a fan of Children of Men and since this movie shared the same director there was a possibility that I could have been equally satisfied with the final product. My only opposing concern  was that it would be anything like Open Water, which in my opinion was a drag ass bullshit suspense flick. I was hit with the idea that it might be something like that since space and oceans share a very common thrill effect: a vastness filled with unknowns. The idea of abandonment in either is equally terrifying, the only difference would be the sliver of chance of maybe being found in the ocean, where as in space you know you are absolutely alone.

The movie touched more on the emotional and mental extremities that are tested not only in space, but in life. The shots of the movie were so phenomenal that you tend to forget that you're in a theater which I feel has been lacking in a lot of movies. The initial incident doesn't occur too long after the start and the story unfolds accordingly. You get pieces of the people that are involved, which I have to say was a pleasant surprise to later find out that Ed Harris was mission controls voice.

I understand this was suspenseful, and exciting in the sense of possibility of being lost in space forever but once I seen where the movie was going to end up... I took a nice little 15 minute nap. I had missed that many minutes and felt like nothing had changed because truthfully nothing had. It was Open Water with a twist and I couldn't really be mad at the fact because my expectations were met. What I learned from the whole experience that the only thing worse than being stuck in space, is being stuck in space with Sandra Bullock.

I wouldn't say don't watch it, I would just say that it would probably take away from whole experience if you don't get to see it in theaters. I know other folks have been raving about this and that, but this is just a ninja's perspective, and if it isn't Event Horizion then it just isn't as horrifying as space could possibly be. I mean c'mon... Ms. Congeniality or the wormhole to hell. Exactly.

Rating: 3 of 5 Ninja Stars

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