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Sunday, April 21, 2013

American Ninja Chronicles: Explosions

The American people have been devastated most recently and our hearts go out to them and theirs.
There is nothing funny about amputees and fatalities.

But what's with society's obsession with blowing shit up?

I know someone who actually thinks the way the marathon runners, exhausted from the long race, suddenly have a boost of energy from fear looked funny. (no names)

Don't judge them, we all laugh at inappropriate things, and you are no better.

Moving on.
Exploring our history of attacks, both international and domestic, there has always been an explicit adoration for things suddenly blowing up.

Let's think about what the significance of an explosion is and the immediate effect that it has on its victims. There is no grace period, and more than likely any expectation that the attack is actually going on, so there is the initial shock. Immediately after, its established it was a terror attack. (Duh, everybody is terrified of being blown to pieces.) So your ears are probably still ringing, the unrecognizable faces are running away from each other, body parts are all over the place, scattered just like your thoughts should be. To be calm in such a situation takes training and discipline, so I don't expect much order. The chaos and emotions running rampant give way to questions that have no immediate answers.

So its madness that will be repeated over and over again to resonate the fear, which I believe would be the intentions of the attackers. Glorified reporting or brainwashing.... or whatever the hell you want to call it, the fact is people are nosy and are going to want to know the filthy details. Depending on where you get your news from and how much of your opinion you actually develop yourself will tell you whats really going on.

We all can feel that there is something wrong and are going to want someone to blame. In comes the finger pointing and it continues until bodies of suspects are found. The majority will be content with such a result. Others, however, will be restless with questions still as to the proof and actual intentions of the bombing. Mind you, this time around this happened stateside, and there was a child killed. The dramatic extensions to all parents and people with children in their families hits that much harder, which also encouraged swift action. (Sadly not too long after Sandy Hook.)

But in other places of the World, where this is a more common happening how do they react?
I mean it could never be accepted as the norm here, but when you live a constant war zone where explosions and random violent crimes are going on everyday, what does that do to a person?
What would make a person(s) like that want to share those kind of things with people like Americans?

These are some the questions that come to mind, and that's not say that where these people in this event are or have been like that, but whose to say the possibility of another won't be triggered by such ideas from environments such as those?

There have been times where on our show we try to discuss some of the World events that are really crimes to humanity, and people tend take these messages as depressing and useless. We have to keep an open eye to how things are happening everywhere and the possibility that if it happens there, that it can happen in our own backyard.

Could this be the start to something bigger?
That is a question that should definitely be in the minds of the American people and they should also take notice of every detail that is going on around them. Keeping our faces glued to our phones and tablets while never bothering to look up at people is a concern that we should have.... but it doesn't seem like it will be addressed.

Perhaps this is a sign, a horrible disgusting sign of things that need to change.
People are making homemade bombs.
This isn't new.

But why blow stuff up in Boston?
Well I know I've had my share of discussions about it and already have developed a deeper understanding, but whats your opinion?

We want to know.

Please share with us, and we will definitely get back to you.

Feel free to email us at

Until next time.
Stay safe.

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