Awesome right?
I mean lets not think about spending time with family and feasting til' our insides explode; holiday presents and self indulgence are most important values.
I understand the economy still needs that extra pair of nikes and an energy drink, but I guess giving it coke is acceptable. Whatever helps right?
People are shopping meaning people are working, but...
The people working are usually in what salary bracket?
The people that run the companies and caking off the sales are where?
Home, with their families.
So while everybody else is waiting in line and busting doors, people from the lower third are working with insanity and dealing with consumers that have a taste for blood. Savings blood. Perhaps there are more robberies and shoplifting on Black Friday than any other day in the year solely because of the pandemonium, but no one would ever know because they're too busy slashing prices with their smart shopper skills.
Does dignity have anything to do with waiting outside of a store for that special item that you or you're loved one is absolutely dying for? Well being that I've done it before, I can honestly say no... but then again it's just like going to a club with a long ass line, in that by the time you get in there the pick of the litter has already been taken and you pick up whatever you think is decent. Only exception? Sneakers.
Don't judge me.
(Side note: Although sneakers are fairly awesome, they are not worth dying for... the new buyer beware.)
So when saying fuck you to all the lines and waiting and extra extra nonsense, the masses greet their new savior.
Cyber Monday is the new Jesus Christ.
Full of the same products and still dope prices minus all the trimming that the actual experience entails.
So if you didn't get up early and extend your patience meter, here you go.
So what's the big deal?
Long lines don't always equal awesome savings.
It's a sales gimmick just like every other holiday in this great nation of ours, its all about how we get folks to splurge.
Valentine's to Halloween and everything in between.
It's part of the natural order of things.
Point being, if you want a super deal, you got to work for it.
Don't you work enough?
Well, I guess you should be working on Black Friday your damn self getting ya dough up for gifts.
Remember, joints be just a click away, so don't deviate trying to be all cool and shit.
And besides, you might or might not get robbed for it.
How much is your Christmas worth?
But I digress.
The only reason you should be shopping on Black Friday is to be getting things for the Dirty Ninjas who work tooth and nail to bring you the truth and raw entertainment.
Our Wish List:
200" Screen TV
Solid Gold Swords
Terminator 2 Limited Edition Laser Disc
Super Nintendo
and oh yeah....
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