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Wednesday, April 11, 2012

More weapons of the Future, Today!

Skynet, here we come!

As time passes people are looking more and more into sci-fi for inspiration to deal with the issues of the modern day. That being said, we all have all digital everything. Holograms of children will be all we need soon enough and we will become seat bound fatties like in Wall-e.

But while we are still mobile, and the number of violent acts rise... law enforcement officials and military counterparts must have ways to subdue the billions of people in the world. So whats the best way to go  about immobilizing the perps? The STFU gun? Perhaps, but in the same respect, scientists have been tinkering with other ideas of how to approach non-lethal ways of stabbing people in the back... of their brains.

The idea of the "ray" gun has been stepped up and divided itself into sub-categories.

There is now:

1.The Vomit ray

2.The Pain ray
This is something straight out of Eraser with most famous Gov' California has ever had probably behind this one, except these aren't green and cool. No, these are more like open door microwaves being directed at people. From the tests ran on real people, it appears that it is supposed to make people feel like they are on fire. As of right now, there are only really big versions of this in the military's custody, however there are smaller of these rays being obtained by law enforcement.

For more information check out the wiki-bible testament. The Pain Ray aka ADS

3. The Zombie ray
Now beyond the stateside threats that we have of the zombie virus possibly coming from a cross breed between rabies and the flu... we now have to become timid about governments trying to take control of our brains. In Russia they have developed a new way of crowd control for riot type incidents with a gun that shoots out electromagnetic radiation that doesn't necessarily turn you into a flesh eating zombie, but into a "Ooh, look at my new apps on my phone" brain dead American. Better put, it creates a docile, non-threatening environment for officials to move people like checkers pieces.

That's in Russia....but in America there is the other version of the same idea called the Medusa gun which allows officials to implant the idea through waves that the brain is hearing painful sounds. Given a strong enough blow from this, and some of your brains could be an egg in a pan.

I mean, the perspective of any given authoritative is def going to be, fuck your brains, we want control.

The Don't Run Gun
Beyond all the rays that have been developed comes a bullet straight out of the Fifth Element.

New self guided bullets will make any shooter the top of his class. All you have to do is hit something with a laser pointer and the bullets will find its target regardless of wind or distance within a mile. I mean I don't think it can turn corners yet, but I guess if you can reflect the beam off a mirror. POW! Full on Wanted action, minus the Jolie hotness. These bullets have fins and are able to follow you under chase conditions, and the cops and troops will be better at taking you down... so how does that you feel?

With all these technological advance helping people in power, you can only assume that the black market is going to get worse. In these kind of cases where security is the biggest concern is where the flip side gets a little insight as to how to get around such weapons. Are we all really going to have to get Magneto helmets to make sure that officials are making us brain dead by cooking parts of our brains at a time? Are we really going have to have reflectors for these fuckers that are going to try to make us throw up with LED strobes?  Do we all have to get hit with gamma beams in order to withstand the force of big ass microwaves that are mounted on top of trucks? And how do you dodge a bullet that can write down ya address and come find you while you're sleep?

Does this make you feel more or less safe? With great power... yea, you know the rest...but again, when things fall into the wrong hands, good people get fucked. Just some food for thought.

Till then, 2 glock 9's... any motherfucker whisperin' about mines.

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